1230 4th St N
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
O-BB-M-D This group also has an online zoom meeting at the same time. Zoom Meeting ID: 939-752-3346, Password: 123456
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: The Big Book is a collection of stories from men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder. The Big Book is often a center of discussion in many Florida AA meetings.
Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Florida are based around one topic designed to spur group conversation. The leader will normally choose the topic from an AA text, such as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Once they share a brief reflection, others can participate and add their input.
Men: In Florida, men of all ages affected by alcohol use disorder can find a free 12 Step Recovery program with an AA chapter. Select chapters may be men-only to focus on issues that pertain to men’s health and recovery.