242 Kings Hwy
Clarksboro, NJ 08020
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Meeting Notes
Meeting Guide Users: Click the VIEW WEB PAGE button below to view this meeting on This is a step and topic discussion meeting. Topics are chosen from the A.A. approved list. ### #indoor
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Discussion: In New Jersey, AA discussion meetings give members the chance to share their insights, reflections, and opinions on a particular subject related to alcoholism and recovery. Leaders will normally begin by offering their own inputs, often referencing an AA text. Then, others can share.
Newcomer: AA newcomer meetings in New Jersey are only open to members and people who are new to the program and want to learn more about it as they begin their recovery journey. The meetings may be an open discussion or they could provide an overview of Steps 1-3.
Step Meeting: AA programs in New Jersey often include step meetings. In these meetings, groups compare their recovery to stages in the 12 Step Program and strategize on how to strengthen their resilience by the next meeting.