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Star Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


12836 Old Glenn Hwy
Eagle River, AK 99577

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Meeting Notes

Dial: (206) 337-9723 / Meeting ID: 93834060125 Password: 2020


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: Alaska AA meetings may contain Big Book discussions to inspire clients. The Big Book refers to a basic Alcoholics Anonymous text that describes how past clients overcame alcohol use disorder.

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Alaska are open to AA members only, as well as anyone looking for help with a drinking problem. Non-members within the community are not able to attend. This creates a safe space for members to talk about sensitive topics that will resonate best with others in addiction recovery.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Alaska are centered around a core topic related to the program. One speaker will open the meeting by referencing a subject from an AA text, such as the Big Book, AA Grapevine, or As Bill Sees It. After they share briefly, other members can expand on the topic in a group discussion.

Open: In Alaska, open AA meetings allow anyone from the community to learn more about the organization and how it operates. This includes individuals looking to overcome an alcohol addiction as well as their friends and loved ones. Nonalcoholics can participate as observers to understand the 12 step recovery program and how to address alcohol use disorder.

Speaker: In Alaska, AA centers frequently invite speakers to motivate participants to renew their commitment against alcohol. Speakers are often AA alumni and use a mix of humor, spiritual messaging, encouragement, and emotions to inspire clients.

Step Meeting: In Alaska AA centers, step meetings center around a 12 Step recovery program. AA members read and talk about a particular step, how it applies to them, and their future goals.

Women: Women’s AA meetings in Alaska are community support meetings for women who are affected by alcohol addiction. These meetings use a 12-step curriculum to help women at all stages of alcoholism recovery and women who are otherwise affected by alcoholism. They are open to women of all ages, free of charge.

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