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311 S Marietta St
Gastonia, NC 28052

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

As Bill Sees It: As Bill Sees It is a collection of essays and reflections from AA’s founder, Bill W., about the organization and its purpose. The book is often referenced in AA meetings to encourage members to individually and collectively discuss their recovery.

Big Book: In North Carolina, the Big Book is a source of inspiration for AA participants. The Big Book features the lives of real people who overcame alcohol use disorder.

Discussion: In North Carolina, AA discussion meetings focus on one specific subject related to alcohol addiction and recovery. Leaders will open by sharing the topic, which often comes from an AA text, such as the Big Book. Then, others can join in and add their own insights.

Open: Open AA meetings in North Carolina allow anyone interested to attend. This helps attendees learn more about AA’s model of recovery and 12 step program model. Individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction are welcome to attend as well as anyone interested in supporting them on their journey.

Other AA Meetings In Gastonia

Find more AA meetings in Gastonia, NC review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Stepping Stone

311 S Marietta St Gastonia, NC 28052

At A Convenient Time

258 W Franklin Blvd Gastonia, NC 28052

The 704 Group

601 E 3rd Ave Gastonia, NC 28054

Serious at 7ish

805 W Airline Ave Gastonia, NC 28052

Heart 2 Heart Too

302 Brook St Belmont, NC 28012

12&12 Kings Mountain

5110 E Dixon Blvd STE 1 Kings Mountain, NC 28086

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