431 Union St
Hudson, NY 12534
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: New York AA programs often use the Big Book as a centerpiece in discussions. This book contains dozens of real stories about people who successfully managed their alcohol use disorder.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in New York are not open to public community members who want to observe the discussion. The only people who can attend are AA members and people seeking help for alcohol addiction. The discussions are informal and everyone can share.
Wheelchair Access: Non-ambulatory clients in New York may have wheelchair access in AA centers. These facilities may provide exterior ramps, designated ramps, and open floor spaces.
Women: New York women’s AA meetings are support group meetings for women who are affected by alcohol addiction. Cost-free and open to all women in the community, including women who are addicted to alcohol and those who have loved ones with alcoholism, these meetings offer peer support within a 12-step recovery program.