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The Daily Start

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


Norfolk, VA 23507

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Meeting Notes

Meeting ID: 364 162 187 Password: 231664


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: AA programs in Virginia frequently use the Big Book to inspire participants. The Big Book contains stories about real people who overcame alcohol use disorder.

Discussion: In Virginia, AA discussion meetings are structured around a particular topic that relates to alcohol addiction and recovery. Leaders will typically share first, referencing an AA text such as the Big Book before sharing their personal reflections. Then, other members can talk about what the topic means to them.

Open: In Virginia, open AA meetings are fully accessible to the public. Members may share their personal experiences with alcohol addiction and recovery while observers can listen and learn. These meetings are informational in nature, welcoming both alcoholics as well as anyone who wants to understand more about the program and its 12 step recovery model.

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Daily Start

Norfolk, VA 23507

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1105 Jamestown Crescent Norfolk, VA 23508

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