195 E Berry Ave
Foley, AL 36535
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Speaker meeting every Thursday afternoon.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: In Alabama, AA meetings may use the Big Book to facilitate discussion. This book contains dozens of inspiration stories of how past clients have recovered from alcohol use disorder.
Concurrent with Al-Anon: AA meetings might be concurrent with Al-Anon, an organization composed of family members affected by relatives with alcohol use disorder. In these meetings, participants from both organizations discuss the challenges and successes they have experienced.
Newcomer: AA newcomer meetings in Alabama are designed to help individuals who are new to AA understand the program. Experienced members usually lead the meetings, which may be discussion-based or focused specifically on the first three steps of the 12 step recovery model.
Open: Open AA meetings in Alabama are accessible to anyone in the community. This may include individuals seeking help for an alcohol use disorder as well as their friends, spouses, and family members. These meetings provide a general overview of AA’s 12 step recovery model and allow time for members to share their stories.
Speaker: AA speaker meetings in Alabama can motivate participants to strengthen their resolve against alcohol. Speakers are often AA alumni and use a mix of humor, spirituality, encouragement, and emotions to inspire their listeners.
Step Meeting: Step meetings in Alabama AA centers revolve around the 12 Steps of recovery. AA members read passages from The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, discuss its meanings, and relate it to their progress.