4440 N Campbell Ave
Tucson, AZ 85718
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
11th Step Meditation: 11th Step Meditation is a spiritual-based stage in which members individually and collectively pray for greater strength to correct weaknesses and to make amends for injuries inflicted on others due to alcohol use disorder.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in Arizona are for AA members only, or anyone who has a problem with drinking and wants to stop. Observers from the community are not allowed to attend. Discussions are informal and all members are invited to participate.
Step Meeting: AA members can hold step meetings as part of their recovery program. In Arizona, step meetings consist of reading about one stage of the 12 Step Program, and members discuss their progress and plan for the future.
Wheelchair Access: AA meetings in Arizona that have wheelchair accessibility allow clients to safely navigate the facility, which includes ramps and parking spots. Non-ambulatory clients have friendly access to meeting halls, restrooms, and any additional amenities.