2400 Central Ave
Nebraska City, NE 68410
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
April 1 - Sept 30: Meeting held outside at Wildwood Park, 420 Steinhart Park Rd, Picnic Shelter, top of hill, across road from Lied Center.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Discussion: In Nebraska, AA discussion meetings allow all members to reflect on a common topic associated with alcoholism and recovery. These topics usually derive from an AA text, such as Daily Reflections or the Big Book. Leaders will open with their own insights and then encourage others to join the conversation.
Open: In Nebraska, open AA meetings are available for anyone to attend, including non-members and nonalcoholics. These meetings are informational in nature and usually feature member speakers who can share more about how the AA program works and what the 12 step recovery model entails.