1059 Main St
Hope Valley, RI 02832
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
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Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Rhode Island's AA programs are deeply rooted in the 12 Steps and Traditions and extend a warm invitation to those in recovery. Through peer and mentor-led meetings, individuals receive the support and guidance necessary for lasting change.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in Rhode Island are not available to the general public. Participation is limited to AA members and people seeking help for alcohol addiction. Discussions focus on alcoholism and related topics that are best understood by members with similar experiences.
Women: Rhode Island women’s AA meetings are group meetings for women who are impacted by alcoholism - those who are suffering from alcohol addiction and those who have loved ones with alcohol addiction. Welcoming women of all ages in the community, these meetings follow a 12-step recovery program and are free to attend.