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Untroubled Waters

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


837 N Harvey Mitchell Pkwy
Bryan, TX 77807

Get Help With Alcohol Addiction

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Meditation: Meditation AA meetings feature physical and emotional calmness as a main method of healing. The meetings open with 15 minutes of private mediation and close with an additional 5 minutes of meditation.

Open: In Texas, open AA meetings allow anyone from the community to attend and learn more about how AA operates, what the 12 step recovery model includes, and how they can support a friend or loved one in their alcohol addiction recovery. These meetings are available to alcoholics and nonalcoholics alike.

Wheelchair Access: Texas AA centers may have wheelchair access for non-ambulatory clients, including ramps and designated parking. The centers may also have open floor plans and safe navigation for amenities, including accessible restrooms.

Other AA Meetings In Bryan

Find more AA meetings in Bryan, TX review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Twisted Sisters

837 N Harvey Mitchell Pkwy Bryan, TX 77807

Grupo Amor a la Vida

40344 US-290 BUS Waller, TX 77484

1502 Group

2030 FM 2854 Rd Conroe, TX 77304

Serenity Group – Temple

902 S Main St Temple, TX 76504

Attitude Adjustment Group

902 S Main St Temple, TX 76504

Rule 62 Group Brookshire

2119 Woods Rd Brookshire, TX 77423

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