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Upon Awakening Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


Fort Wayne, IN

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Meeting Notes

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Daily Reflections: Daily Reflections is an AA text that compiles insight, experience, and encouragement from various members. Selected contents may be topics of discussions in AA meetings. Members can also adapt reflections into their daily activities.

Digital Basket: AA chapters may have a digital basket, which is a virtual collections plate for members to donate funds to pay for the chapter’s expenses. The virtual basket may accept various online payment services, such as PayPal, Google Pay, Stripe, and Venmo.

Grapevine: Grapevine is a monthly magazine published by AA. Its contents, written by AA members, generally feature the experiences of individuals with alcohol use disorder, and articles are often discussed in AA meetings.

Open: In Indiana, open AA meetings are not limited to individuals with alcohol addictions only. Instead, anyone from the public is invited to come and learn more about the organization, including how the 12 step recovery model operates and what it entails. This may include the friends, family members, and loved ones of current members or any community member seeking more information.

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Upon Awakening

Fort Wayne, IN

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300 E Wayne St Fort Wayne, IN 46802


1427 Broadway Fort Wayne, IN 46802

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