1 St Bernard Ln
Bella Vista, AR 72715
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: The Big Book may be a center of discussion in Arkansas AA meetings. The Big Book features dozens of inspirational stories about men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder.
Discussion: In Arkansas, AA discussion meetings begin with one member sharing about a particular topic related to alcohol addiction recovery. This topic will normally come from an AA-related text, such as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions or the Big Book. After their initial reflections, other members can participate by sharing their own experiences and thoughts on the subject.
Men: Arkansas AA chapters offer free 12 Step Programs to assist the recovery process from alcohol use disorder. Select chapters may be available only to men of all ages to focus on men’s health issues.
Open: In Arkansas, open AA meetings are available to individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction and nonalcoholics who want to learn more about how the program operates. This may include friends and loved ones of current members or anyone from the community seeking more information on the 12 step model of recovery.
Speaker: Speaker meetings in AA programs can inspire clients in Arkansas to strengthen their resolve against alcohol. Speakers are usually AA alumni and use a mix of raw emotions, humor, and faith to motivate participants.