1800 Fort View Rd
Austin, TX 78704
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Meeting Notes
Last Saturday Birthday Night Zoom Meeting ID: 373 964 8806 Passcode: #1800Trail
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Birthday: In AA, birthdays refer to the last day (or the day after) that a member used alcohol or drugs. Birthday anniversaries are celebrated as milestones to encourage sobriety.
Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Texas allow all members to participate and share their thoughts on a given subject. The subjects pertain to alcoholism and recovery and usually tie into an AA text, such as As Bill Sees It or AA Grapevine. Leaders will share first, explaining their reflections on the topic and any related experiences.
Open: In Texas, open AA meetings allow anyone from the community to attend and learn more about how AA operates, what the 12 step recovery model includes, and how they can support a friend or loved one in their alcohol addiction recovery. These meetings are available to alcoholics and nonalcoholics alike.
Speaker: Texas AA centers can encourage their members to resist relapse by inviting speakers. Motivational Speakers are usually AA alumni and use a blend of humor, charm, reason, faith, and emotions to dissuade their listeners from drinking.