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Womens Acceptance

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


350 Overbrook Rd
Birmingham, AL 35213

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Meeting Notes

In Person - Room M144


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In Alabama, closed AA meetings are not open to the general public. Only AA members or individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction can attend. This allows members to expand upon certain phases of their condition that other alcoholics can best understand. All members are encouraged to participate and the meetings are informal.

Discussion: In Alabama, AA discussion meetings begin with an AA member selecting a topic for group discussion. This topic will come from a type of AA text such as the Big Book, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, AA Grapevine, and others. The member will usually share first before opening the floor for others to participate.

Women: Women’s AA meetings in Alabama are peer support meetings for women affected by alcohol addiction. The meetings use a 12-step curriculum to guide women through all stages of alcoholism recovery. They are open to all women free of charge, including women of all ages.

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