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Young & Restless

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


620 N Woods Mill Rd
Chesterfield, MO 63017

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Missouri allow clients to share their thoughts and feelings on a particular subject related to alcohol addiction and recovery. The leader will open the meeting by sharing their personal reflections on the subject, which usually comes from an AA text. Then, they’ll encourage others to participate.

Open: Open AA meetings in Missouri are accessible to anyone in the community. During this time, AA members will share their experiences and recovery journeys with the group, allowing attendees to learn firsthand how the program works, what the 12 step recovery model includes, and how they can support their friend or loved one seeking help for alcohol addiction.

Speaker: Missouri AA programs often feature motivational speakers to reinforce their members’ sobriety. By using humor, raw emotions, charm, and faith, speakers can inspire their listeners to harden their resolve against a relapse.

Young People: AA meetings for young people are intended for members in early adulthood, usually in their late teens and twenties. These groups focus on the experiences and issues that young people may face in their recovery.

Other AA Meetings In Chesterfield

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Steps of Sobriety (SOS) #1123

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Women Enjoying Sobriety

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Expect a Miracle

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Group 166

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Group #420 12 & 12

1485 Craig Rd St. Louis, MO 63146

Group 386

HAROLD L DIELMANN Recreation Complex, 11400 Olde Cabin Rd Creve Coeur, MO 63141

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