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Baldwinsville, NY 13027

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Meeting Notes

Zoom ID 941-957-7108 Code 13206 Zoom Dial In - 646-558-8656 svc # 000600404; Dist 0340 NS


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: Closed AA meetings in New York are not open to public community members who want to observe the discussion. The only people who can attend are AA members and people seeking help for alcohol addiction. The discussions are informal and everyone can share.

Daily Reflections: Daily Reflections is an AA text that compiles insight, experience, and encouragement from various members. Selected contents may be topics of discussions in AA meetings. Members can also adapt reflections into their daily activities.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in New York give all members the opportunity to speak on a specific topic related to alcoholism and recovery. Leaders typically find these topics in AA texts, such as Daily Reflections. They will share first, and then others are welcome to contribute to the conversation.

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