Find AA meetings in Dardanelle, Arkansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Arkansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | New Beginnings Russellville | New Beginnings | 501 South Phoenix Avenue | Russellville | Open Meeting |
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Dardanelle, Arkansas AA Meetings
Dardanelle is one of the oldest cities in the state of Arkansas. It has a long history of alcohol addiction. If you are a local of Dardanelle and depend on alcohol, you can get help by participating in AA meetings in Dardanelle. You can locate the places for these meetings on The frequently updated directory site also details Arkansas AA meetings from other areas in the state. Millions of people in America are suffering from alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder, or AUD, is a medical condition where an individual struggles with managing their alcohol consumption. People with AUD often fall victim to the plethora of alcohol consumption triggers. It is so easy to be tempted into drinking alcohol because it is so readily available and accepted as a normal practice in society. Its wide acceptance culture might send out the incorrect message that it is alright to consume excessively. Even having people nearby who drink consistently increases the threat of an individual developing AUD or relapsing. Consuming way too much alcohol regularly for an extended period can bring about devastating effects such as brain damage, kidney and liver disease, heart disease, and cancer. If you live in the city of Dardanelle and have AUD, you can get help by attending AA meetings in Dardanelle. Like all other Arkansas AA meetings, information for AA meetings in Dardanelle can be found on