Find AA meetings in Fordyce, Arkansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Arkansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
5:30 PM | Before House Group | Before House Group | 5408 Middle Warren Rd | Pine Bluff | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | First Recovery | First Recovery | 1210 S Cherry St | Pine Bluff | Closed Meeting English Literature + Temporary Closure |
7:00 PM | Grant County Group | Grant County Group | 204 N Red St | Sheridan | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Fordyce, Arkansas AA Meetings
Fordyce is a city in Dallas County, Arkansas. the city has its fair share of residents who are dealing with the ramifications of alcoholism. Alcoholism, more commonly known as alcohol use disorder, is a more extreme form of alcohol addiction. Dealing with life’s problems can be too much for some people. Unfortunately, some resort to heavy consumption of alcohol as a means of escape from issues they may have in their lives. With alcohol being a depressant, it usually provides temporary relief. However, consistent heavy drinking usually leads to a dependence, which can cause serious consequences, which can lead to ill-health and even death. With wide accessibility and acceptance, drinking alcohol is difficult to avoid. So common is drinking alcohol that it is deemed quite unusual if an individual chooses not to drink in a social setting. If you struggle with avoiding alcohol and depend on it to better handle life’s difficulties, Alcoholics Anonymous programs can help you to learn how to handle both. The group support organization provides group support therapy that helps people with an alcohol dependency to regain control of their lives from the grips of alcoholism. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings provide a platform where they can uncover the underlying reasons for their addiction through discussions of personal addiction experiences and topics surrounding the disease. Residents of Fordyce who are struggling with alcohol addiction can start the road to recovery by attending AA meetings in Fordyce. can help you to find Arkansas AA meetings locations with a quick search.