Find AA meetings in Lake City, Colorado to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Colorado includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Lake City AA | Lake City AA | Online 418 Silver St | Lake City | English Open Meeting |
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Lake City, Colorado AA Meetings
Lake City is a town located in the San Juan Mountains named after the nearby Lake San Cristobal. Many of this town’s residents struggle with alcohol addiction which has had deteriorating effects on their health and emotional states. Many are now being liberated from alcohol addiction through AA meetings in Lake City, achieving sobriety, and going on to more productive lives. Alcoholics Anonymous is a support system for people who want to achieve long-term recovery from alcohol use disorders. The 12-step approach program is employed across AA meetings globally has helped millions of lives achieve an outstanding results on their journey to full recovery. AA meetings in Lake City provide participants with free treatments and recovery programs, and members are patient, supportive, and understanding. There is no form of discrimination and stigmatization of participants because of their past experiences. AA Colorado makes medical care and treatment available for free, which kicks off with alcohol detoxification and comprises various medical procedures anchored by medical experts. Therapy and counseling sessions are also provided as this puts participants on course to total recovery. You can call any of our specialists or locate the AA meeting in Lake City nearest to you from our AA Colorado directory on our website.