Find AA meetings in Valdosta, Georgia to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Georgia includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Northside Group | Northside Group | 906 Williams St | Valdosta | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Baytree Fellowship Group | Baytree Fellowship Group | 200 S Lee St | Valdosta | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Northside Group | Northside Group | 906 Williams St | Valdosta | English Literature Open Meeting + Step Meeting Tradition Study |
1:00 PM | Conscious Contact Group | Conscious Contact Group | 615 2nd Ave SE | Moultrie | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Valdosta, Georgia AA Meetings
Valdosta is a historical city in the central, southern area of Georgia. Alcoholics Anonymous offers meetings in Valdosta for individuals wanting support in their quest to stop drinking alcohol. See our online directory for locations, times and contact numbers for AA meetings in Valdosta, as well as AA meetings Georgia. Taking that first step can be hard, but you can count on being welcomed by an accepting and compassionate group of people at AA meetings in Valdosta. You’re welcome also to bring a family member or friend with you for moral support. AA meetings in Valdosta are led by veteran AA members who want to help others on their path to sobriety. AA’s 12 Step program teaches spiritual and moral principles to gain a healthy life free of alcohol. AA is not associated with any religious or political organizations. Since it started in 1935, the program has helped millions around the world attain and maintain an alcohol-free life through its system of peer support. AA does not provide professional treatment for alcohol use disorder. However, many treatment programs are available. Treatment typically begins with a detoxification process that often includes medication to manage difficult side effects from alcohol withdrawal. Counseling and cognitive or behavioral therapy are recommended to help you heal, grow as a person, and take control of your life. If you need assistance finding qualified treatment in your area, we can help. Our specialists are available to answer your call 24/7 and to help you find the right treatment that meets your needs and preferences. Call today to get started.