Find AA meetings in Charlestown, Indiana to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Indiana includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:00 AM | Worms Online Tuesday | Early Worms Online | Online Louisville, KY | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Early Worms Group Tuesday | Early Worms Group | 3439 Breckenridge Ln | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
8:00 AM | James Gang Monday | James Gang | 1400 S Shelby St | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Morning Newcomers Tuesday | Morning Newcomers | Online Louisville, KY | Louisville | Discussion English Newcomer + Open Meeting |
8:30 AM | Sisters In Sobriety Women's Group | Scottsburg Presbyterian Church | 327 W McClain Ave | Scottsburg | Discussion English Open Meeting |
10:00 AM | God's Grace Group | Vernon Presbyterian Church | Washington St, Vernon, IN | Vernon | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
10:30 AM | Hope For Today Tuesday | Hope For Today Online | Online Louisville, KY | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
10:30 AM | Early Bird Meeting | Early Bird Meeting | 506 Pearl St | New Albany | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
10:30 AM | Mid-Morning Group | Mid-Morning Group | 3439 Breckenridge Ln | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
10:30 AM | Convenient Group | Convenient Group | 6106 Price Ln Rd | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
10:30 AM | Lampton Group | Lampton Group | 1400 S Shelby St | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
11:00 AM | Hilltop Group | Calvary Baptist Church | 2632 Michigan Rd | Madison | Discussion English Open Meeting |
11:30 AM | Simpsonville Group | Simpsonville Group | 107 1st St | Simpsonville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | High Noon on Shelby Monday | High Noon On Shelby | 1400 S Shelby St | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | WE Happy Hour | WE Happy Hour | 708 S 16th St | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Women's Bright Spot of Our Lives (Tuesday Online) | Women's Bright Spot of Our Lives | Online Louisville, KY | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting + Women's Meeting |
12:00 PM | Let's Get Serious Too | Let’s Get Serious | 6605 Lower Hunters Trace | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Lunch Bunch Group | Lunch Bunch Group | 200 Homestead Ave | Clarksville | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Discussion English + Newcomer Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Happy Hour Men's Meeting | Happy Hour Men’s Meeting | 1020 W Market St | Louisville | Discussion English Men's Meeting + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | AAFORUS Tuesday | AAFORUS | Online Louisville, KY | Louisville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Charlestown, Indiana AA Meetings
Charleston is a small city in Clark County, Indiana. If you live or work in the local areaw and are in addiction recovery, you may be searching for AA meetings in Charlestown. Our online directory of AA meetings in Indiana can help you find a local meeting that best suits your needs. If you are new to the program, you may wonder what Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can and cannot do for addiction recovery. By sharing their experiences in getting and staying sober, AA helps newcomers and members alike. Newcomers and recovering members of AA share their experience, strength, and hope. The sponsor (mentor) assists newcomers in employing the 12 Steps in a 1:1 environment. What is it that AA doesn’t do? AA meeting attendees are not pressured to join AA, nor are they solicited for membership or charged dues or fees to attend meetings or join the program. AA does not keep tabs on its members or maintain any formal recoverd keeping process on its members or attendees. The program does not provide food, housing, or any other type of social service. Our online AA directory allows you to find local AA meetings and meetings in other cities nationwide. If you would like assistance finding other addiction treatment options (such as inpatient or outpatient rehab facilities), contact one of our experienced treatment specialists today.