Find AA meetings in Columbus, Indiana to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Indiana includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:15 PM | Brown Bag Group | Dry Dock Club | 62 3rd St | Shelbyville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
1:00 PM | One Day Each Day | Club East | 441 S Ritter Ave | Indianapolis | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Columbus, Indiana AA Meetings
Columbus is a city and county seat for Bartholomew County, Indiana. If you live in Bartholomew County and are coping with alcohol addiction, you may be interested in finding AA meetings in Columbus.
If cost is a consideration, you may be pleased to learn that AA meetings in Indiana are free of cost. Member donations support AA groups. At meetings, AA members are given a collection plate to freely donate if they wish. Donations cover meeting room rental and refreshment costs. No donation is required, but participants can give a dollar or two (or more) if they wish. The only requirement for AA membership is that you acknowledge that you have a drinking problem and want to stop drinking. There are no requirements to become an AA member. Attending a meeting you like (if you wish to stop drinking) qualifies you as a member. You can easily find local and nationwide AA meetings in our online database, so that help and support are never far from your reach. Contact one of our treatment specialists today if you have questions or need assistance finding an alcohol treatment program (such as alcohol detox [usually provided in an inpatient setting] or an inpatient or outpatient rehab) in your local area.