Find AA meetings in Anthon, Iowa to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Iowa includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Anthon, Iowa AA Meetings
Anthon, Iowa, is a city in Woodbury County; it is part of the Sioux City Metropolitan Area. If you live in or near Sioux City and are struggling with alcohol addiction, you may be interested in our online database of AA meetings in Anthon. Newcomers to the program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are often perplexed at what the program is all about. Some ask, “Is it a religious program.? Others are unsure about what the word “spiritual” means. Something spiritual means it relates to a person’s spirit, this could be an awesome feeling one gets when being in nature, it can also be the connection to others, often experienced in the rooms of AA. AA’s 12-Steps are considered spiritual. But this doesn’t mean that you have to be religious, nor does it necessarily indicate you must believe in God. Many atheists and agnostics are AA members who regularly participate in AA meetings in Iowa (such as those in Anthon). The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA’s primary text) references recovery stories in which a person who works the steps has a “spiritual awakening.” A spiritual awakening can mean anything from co-founder Bill W.’s experience of seeing bright light to a simple change in perception. When a person in addiction recovery suddenly starts to question past motivations and actions, this is also considered a spiritual awakening by many who experience it.