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Find AA Meetings in Waterloo, Iowa

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Find AA meetings in Waterloo, Iowa to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Iowa includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Independence St. Johns Catholic Church 209 5th Ave NE Independence Closed Meeting   English

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Waterloo, Iowa AA Meetings

Waterloo is a city in the county seat of Black Hawk County, Iowa. A portion of the city’s population is dealing with the ramifications of having an alcohol dependence. These Waterloo residents are among millions of people worldwide who are suffering from excessive alcohol consumption. It is estimated that well over ten million adults in America over consume or are dependent on drinking alcohol. Alcohol is considered a drug so excess consumption of it can be poisonous. The adverse effects of drinking alcohol are vast and can be fatal. Tens of thousands of Americans die each year because of alcohol misuse. It has been reported that alcohol is also a factor in about fifty percent of America’s traffic accidents, suicides, and homicides. The adverse physical effects of drinking too much alcohol range from mild mood swings to significantly impaired coordination and balance, speech, and vision. These reactions are all symptoms of acute alcohol intoxication. Consistent excessive consumption of alcohol can also significantly disrupt an individual’s social, financial, professional, and domestic life from ineffectiveness on the job to spousal and child offenses. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are one of the most effective treatments for alcohol addiction. Locals can find information for AA Waterloo meetings on, which groups all AA meetings in Iowa.

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