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Find AA Meetings in Mullinville, Kansas

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Find AA meetings in Mullinville, Kansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Kansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
11:00 AM Grupo Mensaje De Vida Grupo Mensaje De Vida 2400 1st Ave Dodge City Spanish
7:00 PM Llegado de Amor 214 South 2nd Ave 214 S 2nd Ave Dodge City Spanish
7:00 PM Pratt Group Pratt Group 223 N Pearl St Pratt English
7:00 PM GRUPO CRISOL GRUPO CRISOL 304 McArtor Rd Dodge City English
8:00 PM Front Street Group Front Street Group 711 5th Ave Dodge City Big Book   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access

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Mullinville, Kansas AA Meetings

Mullinville is in Kiowa County, Kansas, and many of its residents struggle with several alcohol-induced ailments. To mitigate the rising number of cases, AA meetings in Kansas have several peer-to-peer support groups spread all over the state. Alcohol use disorder, an illness characterized by excessive and compulsive alcohol consumption, can be detrimental to the individual’s health, relationships, and even finances. Sad as this may be, not many affected individuals go on to seek medical help, and fewer still stick with the process till the end. The hosts of AA meetings in Mullinville have pledged to provide the unwavering support that affected locals need to begin and complete the recovery process. Alcohol-related illnesses are relapsing illnesses, and individuals who have relapses tend to need a lot of support and encouragement to keep at the recovery process. AA meetings in Mullinville are based on mutual support and encouragement. They act as a haven where participants can voice their ordeals with alcohol addiction and receive practical counsel from members who struggled with it in the past but are now sober. You can call our specialists for more information on recovery programs in your area. You can also locate AA meetings close to you by going through the AA directory published on

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