Find AA meetings in Seneca, Kansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Kansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:00 PM | Falls City Group | Falls City Group -- Falls City | 1602 Harlan St | Falls City | Discussion English Open Meeting |
8:00 PM | Onaga Group | Onaga Group | 200 Onaga Byp Rd | Onaga | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Seneca, Kansas AA Meetings
Seneca city is the county seat of Kansas state’s Nemaha County. Across the United States, millions of people are battling alcohol use disorders, and this calls for concern. Here in Seneca, it’s no different, as many residents are entangled in unpleasant situations due to alcohol-induced ailments. Alcoholics Anonymous has AA meetings in Seneca available in various locations to reach out to affected persons and guide them to improved lives. Alcoholics Anonymous is a global name associated with alcohol addiction recovery, as this community has played significant roles in helping many people with alcohol use disorders go on to healthier lifestyles and pursue more productive causes while managing these ailments and working towards long-lasting sobriety. Across AA meetings in Kansas, participants follow the 12-step approach program and are engaged in counseling and therapy sessions to facilitate healing. During open discussions, they can talk about their alcohol addiction struggles without feeling ashamed. This is because members are non-discriminatory and are fully committed to participants’ recovery. Alcohol use disorders also require treatment, which usually involves alcohol detoxification and several medications, and medically-assisted programs. Our specialists can help you with information on treatment programs, so call our hotline to speak to one. Also, visit to discover meeting venues near you.