Find AA meetings in Huron County, Michigan to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Michigan includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Huron County, Michigan AA Meetings
Home to three iconic lighthouses, Huron County, is located at the Thumb’s tip in Michigan. This mid-Michigan county features historical points of interest and beautiful beaches. When visitors and residents struggle with alcohol use disorder (AUD), they can use our directory to find AA meetings in Huron County. AUD symptoms include stress in all types of relationships and difficulties trying to control or stop drinking. Alcoholics Anonymous offers peer support group meetings where members meet and fellowship to solve their common problem and help one another recover from AUD. This successful program has been the world leader in AUD since it began in 1935. AA relies on its 12-step program outlined in the Big Book of AA. Meetings to meet different needs and a diverse demographic are offered, including gender-specific meetings, 12-step meetings, LGBT meetings, and more. Membership is free, and the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. Most meetings spend some time studying approved literature and then open for members to share their strength, experience, and hope, creating unity and encouragement in the group. Members are invited to share but may wait until they are comfortable doing so in AA Michigan meetings. People with AUD may need the support and supervision of a rehabilitation program such as detox, inpatient, or outpatient treatment. To learn more about various programs available, call our helpline and ask for more information.