Find AA meetings in Houston, Mississippi to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Mississippi includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Starkville Group | Starkville Group | 820 Evergreen St | Starkville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:05 PM | Spiritual Progress Group | Spiritual Progress Group | 314 S Church St | Tupelo | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
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Houston, Mississippi AA Meetings
Not to be confused with the major city in Texas, Houston, Mississippi, is a town in the state’s Chickasaw County. There are many AA meetings in Houston that provide those with alcohol use disorder the chance to get together and learn from each other. These meetings are just some of the AA meetings in Mississippi. AA was originally founded in 1935 and since then it has grown to be one of the most recognized organizations relating to support for those with alcohol use disorder. Its 12-step system sets up memebers with tools that might help them get along the road to recovery and give them a better chance of staying there. However, no system is perfect, and AA members should know that relapse does happen and can be seen as a part of recovery. There are things to learn from relapse, and lessons to share with other members. AA is great for helping people find a support group, but it is not meant to be a replacement for formal rehab. To be a member of AA all one needs is the desire to stop using alcohol. AA is free, but is member-supported through donations. If you are looking for more that just AA meetings in Houston, call our specialists today.