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Oxford, Mississippi AA Meetings
Not to be confused with the city in England, Oxford is a city in the Mississippi county of Lafayette. AA meetings in Oxford provide mutual support to those in the area with alcohol use disorder. These meetings, and other AA meetings in Mississippi, serve as a place for those with alcohol use disorder to learn from each other and hold each other accountable. AA has been around since 1935. While it has a long history, the efficacy of AA cannot be easily measured. Due to the anonymity that is held very central to the organization, researchers have been able to gather the necessary information to determine just how effective AA and its famous 12 Steps of AA are. It is important to note that AA is not a substitute for formal rehab treatment such as behavioral treatment administered by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor. AA is not professionally run and does not have professionals administering treatment. Instead, AA relies on its members to provide mutual support according to AA principles and guidelines. AA meetings in Oxford can be your resource for support from others who have gone through similar experiences as you. If, however, you are looking for more than AA meetings in Mississippi, contact our specialists.