Find AA meetings in Hemingford, Nebraska to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Nebraska includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
8:00 PM | Hemingford Chapter #1 Group | Hemingford Chapter #1 Group -- Hemingford | 809 Box Butte Ave | Hemingford | Closed Meeting Daily Reflections English + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Alliance Chapter No. 1 Group | Alliance Chapter No. 1 Group -- Alliance | 623 Laramie Ave | Alliance | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Alliance Chapter No. 1 Group | Alliance Chapter No. 1 Group -- Alliance | 623 Laramie Ave | Alliance | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
7:00 PM | A.A. Serenity Group | A.A. Serenity Group -- Chadron | 370 Chadron Ave | Chadron | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Hemingford, Nebraska AA Meetings
Hemingford is a village in Box Butte County, Nebraska. AA meetings in Hemingford are available to help its residents who have alcohol use disorder. When an individual has alcohol use disorder, or AUD, they continue to use alcohol even if it is disrupting their lives. So if the negative consequences of excessive alcohol use are causing significant distress in your life, you might have AUD. Alcohol use disorder is a condition that can be diagnosed by a medical professional. Even at its mildest level, AUD can lead to repercussions such as health problems. Early treatment for AUD will give you a much better chance of reversing the disorder and avoiding its more serious consequences. So if you or your family is concerned about your alcohol use, you can get help from a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA. The international self-help organization was created with the primary objective of helping people achieve long-term sobriety and regain stability in their lives. Attending AA meetings will give you opportunities to connect with other people with similar struggles. Attending AA meetings in Hemingford is easy as it is open, free, and has no requirements outside of a will to commit to not using alcohol. You can find locations of many AA meetings in Nebraska in this directory.