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Find AA Meetings in Imperial, Nebraska

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Find AA meetings in Imperial, Nebraska to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Nebraska includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 PM Perkins County Group Perkins County Group -- Grant 505 Washington Ave Grant Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Imperial, Nebraska AA Meetings

Imperial is a city in Chase County, Nebraska. AA meetings in Imperial give support to residents who are dealing with alcohol use disorder. AA is a long-standing organization that has been doing its good work since it was founded in 1935 by its founders who are known within the community as Bill W. and Dr. Bob. AA’s prominence throughout the world has made it a common target for portrayals in TV and film; however, these depictions are not always fair and accurate. If your feelings towards AA are based on what you know from popular culture, you might want to reconsider that position. AA has helped millions over the years and that track record should be factored in. The fact is, AA provides a setting for peers to support each other through a difficult challenge. If you are new to AA, consider attending a Beginner’s meeting that introduces you to the organization’s basic principles and procedures. There are not many hurdles stopping you from attending meetings. They are free as is membership to AA. The only real requirement is the desire to stop using alcohol. You can find AA meetings in Imperial listed in our directory. If you are looking for formal rehab treatment, contact our specialists today.

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