Find AA meetings in Pender, Nebraska to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Nebraska includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
3:00 PM | Afternoon Matinee Group | Afternoon Matinee Group 661890 | 420 Jones St | Sioux City | English Open Meeting |
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Pender, Nebraska AA Meetings
Pender is a village in Thurston County, Nebraska. You can find listings for AA meetings in Pender in this directory, but because the population is relatively small, the selection may also be small. Residents in the area may also look into attending other AA meetings in Nebraska. AA meetings may take one of several forms, but at a typical AA meeting, you will find attendees talking about how alcohol use disorder has affected their lives, what actions they took to deal with it, and how they are living their lives today. Confidentiality and privacy are huge aspects of AA meetings. Attendance records are not kept for AA meetings, nor do AA keep membership files. AA does not disclose participants’ identities to outsiders or even others inside the fellowship. Participants do not have to reveal anything about themselves, and they will not be pressured into returning if they don’t want to go back. AA meetings can be highly beneficial to anybody with alcohol use disorder, but they are not a replacement for formal rehab treatment. Instead, they are a great supplement for treatment. No professionals work within AA, and no members can administer any sort of formal treatment. If you are looking for more than just AA meetings in Pender, call our specialists today.