Find AA meetings in Scottsbluff, Nebraska to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Nebraska includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Scottsbluff Group | Scottsbluff Group -- Scottsbluff | 1718 Ave C | Scottsbluff | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Scottsbluff, Nebraska AA Meetings
The largest city in the Nebraska Panhandle, and 13th largest in the state, Scottsbluff is located in Scotts Bluff County. AA meetings in Scottsbluff are available for residents in the area who have alcohol use disorder and are seeking support. Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, is known globally for its approach to giving a supportive community to those with alcohol use disorder. The organization offers peer support to people with alcohol use disorder all over the world. AA does not boast that it has the remedy. However, it firmly believes that the ability to stay away from alcohol use depends on an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Routine attendance at AA meetings and also consistently applying what is learned can go a long way to overall self-improvement and ultimate long-term sobriety. AA has an “each one teach one” philosophy where if an AA member helps other members, it will significantly help them to remain sober. Another one of AA’s philosophies is that “it only takes one drink.” In other words, it does not think AA members should drink socially, as they may be one drink away from relapsing. You can find listings for AA meetings in Scottsbluff within this directory. If you are looking for options outside of AA meetings in Nebraska, give our specialists a call today.