AA meetings in Nevada are designed to support individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction. Within these groups, they can find solidarity, peer support, valuable resources, and hope for the future. These meetings are free to attend and accessible to anyone regardless of age, ethnicity, culture, or economic background. All meetings follow AA’s 12 step model of recovery and there are multiple types of meetings available. Participants are invited to share their experiences, reflect on their recovery journeys, and provide tips and recommendations for others seeking long-term sobriety. Meeting leaders are AA members, and they work together to determine the format of each gathering.
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Find Nevada AA Meetings Serving These Cities
- Battle Mountain
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- Spring Valley
- Stateline
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- Verdi
- Virginia City
- Wadsworth
- Walker Lake
- Washoe County
- Wellington
- Wells
- West Wendover
- Winnemucca
- Yerington
Expert Insights
Approximately 1,548 people die every year in Nevada due to excessive alcohol use. Of those deaths, 61.5% are related to chronic causes, including alcohol use disorder. Across the state, addiction recovery programs including detox, inpatient, outpatient, and aftercare services are available, totaling nearly 140 rehab facilities. However, alcohol use remains on the rise. Nevada ranks third in the U.S. for the amount of alcohol consumed per resident per year, with the average individual 21 or older drinking 3.43 gallons compared to the nationwide average of 2.45 gallons. This speaks to the prevalence of alcohol use throughout the state and the need for targeted and effective treatment solutions.
Alcohol Use in Nevada
Not only does Nevada rank in the top three states for alcohol consumption per resident, but it’s also fifth in the nation for consumption per capita. Recent trends show that this trend persists, even after initial COVID-related spikes around 2020.
- Nearly 30% of all driving deaths in Nevada involve alcohol.
- Approximately 25.39% of people over the age of 18 in Nevada report binge drinking in the last 30 days, defined as five or more drinks for males and four or more drinks for females in about two hours.
- Underage drinking is a prevalent problem throughout the state, with more than 15% of residents aged 12-20 reporting alcohol use in the past month and 8% reporting binge drinking.
- An estimated 11% of Nevadans recognize they need treatment for alcohol use disorder but aren’t actively seeking help.
Popular Types of AA Meetings in Nevada
AA is well-known for its formulaic 12 step recovery model that supports individuals before, during, and after alcohol addiction recovery. However, that doesn’t mean that all of its meetings follow the same structure or layout. There are many different types of AA meetings designed to appeal to varying preferences and comfort levels. Below are just a few of the most popular types you’ll find throughout Nevada.
- Big Book Meetings: AA Big Book meetings in Nevada allow participants to share their insights, learn from one another, and develop critical relapse prevention and life skills for recovery. Meeting discussions are based on insights from the Big Book. Some groups may read a passage from the Big Book out loud before initiating group conversation, while others may launch directly into discussion following the opening.
- Discussion Meetings: In Nevada, AA discussion meetings center on one particular aspect of alcohol addiction and recovery. This topic normally derives from an AA text, such as the Big Book, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, AA Grapevine, or a related source. The opening speaker normally starts by sharing their reflections and experiences related to the topic, offering hope and encouragement to all listeners. Then, others can share their feelings individually as they feel led. These meetings can be open or closed.
- As Bill Sees It: As Bill Sees It is a collection of inspirational musings and reflections by Bill W., the co-founder of AA. In Nevada, As Bill Sees It meetings are structured specifically around this text, which is designed to provide comfort and inspiration to individuals recovering from alcoholism. Its themes of gratitude, spirituality, and acceptance offer practical guidance to anyone at any stage of the recovery journey. Leaders will begin by reading a passage from the book, then open the floor for others to share their feelings, insights, and takeaways.
Online AA Meetings in Nevada
In addition to meeting at a physical location, AA members in Nevada also have access to an array of online options to support their recovery journey. This includes virtual group meetings, online addiction education recovery programs, and even individualized coaching resources. These platforms allow individuals to receive the help they need as soon as they need it, eliminating the geographical barriers and time constraints that could prevent some individuals from attending an in-person meeting.
Resources for Alcohol Addiction
When Nevada residents are ready to seek treatment for alcohol addiction, there are many resources available across the local, regional, and state-wide levels. Here are a few of the most prominent ones.
State of Nevada, Department of Behavioral Health, Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services: Formerly known as SAPTA, this department operates under the state government’s Bureau of Behavioral Health Wellness and Prevention (BBHWP). They maintain an up-to-date database of all substance use and community health programs throughout the state. https://dpbh.nv.gov/Programs/ClinicalSAPTA/Home_-_SAPTA/
- Nevada 211: This service is offered through the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. Available throughout the U.S. and Canada, the 2-1-1 program allows individuals to call a special telephone number to receive immediate information and referrals to local human, health, and social services. In addition to addiction counseling, mental health counseling is also available, along with emergency housing and food assistance. Specialized services are available for children and adolescents, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. https://www.nevada211.org/about-2-1-1/
- Nevada County Health and Human Services Agency: In addition to mental health and crisis care services for children and adults, this agency also provides substance use services for all ages. This includes detox, residential, and outpatient treatment as well as transitional living and aftercare support. https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/486/Substance-Use-Services
In addition to these state-supported resources, there are privately owned alcohol addiction treatment centers in or near every major city throughout Nevada. Individuals can also participate in behavioral health and addiction recovery services at most major hospitals, including the Nevada Regional Medical Center. Other non-profit organizations, including the Veterans Affairs (VA) Sierra Nevada Health Care System and the Salvation Army Las Vegas Adult Rehabilitation Center, also provide treatment for alcoholism.