Find AA meetings in Capitan, New Mexico to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New Mexico includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Arid Group | Arid Group | 1216 Mechem Dr | Ruidoso | English Newcomer Open Meeting |
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Capitan, New Mexico AA Meetings
Known as the real-life hometown as Smokey the Bear, Capitan, New Mexico is a village high in the Capitan and Sacramento Mountains at over 6,500 feet. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is as much of a household name as Smokey. But if you are considering your options for addressing alcohol misuse, you may wonder if AA is right for you. Many people need help to overcome alcoholism. This help can come in the form of medical detox, alcohol rehab, or therapy. You may find any combination of these treatment options helpful. One of the reasons many people choose AA meetings is that you can attend AA New Mexico meetings on their own or alongside professional treatment. Because AA is free, peer-based, and requires no intake process, it can often close treatment gaps, such as providing immediate support while you are waiting to begin a treatment program. In AA meetings, you sit in community with a group of other people who all have the goal to stop using alcohol. While this is not a formal type of therapy, many people find that the peer support of AA meetings in Capitan can supplement social support they receive from friends, family members, and groups they are part of, such as religious congregations. Find an upcoming meeting near you in the directory to begin attending AA.