Find AA meetings in Carlsbad, New Mexico to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New Mexico includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Carlsbad Group | Carlsbad Group | 701 N Guadalupe St | Carlsbad | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Carlsbad, New Mexico AA Meetings
Perhaps best known for the spectacular Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlsbad, New Mexico is a city at the intersection of U.S. Routes 62/180 and 285. For many individuals seeking recovery from alcohol addiction, an intersection of professional treatment and social support improves long-term recovery outcomes. You can receive treatment in a detox facility, rehab center, outpatient program, or family and individual therapy. You can also find social support in many places. One unique source of support can be Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. AA New Mexico meetings are not facilitated by a mental health professional—they are instead founded entirely on the philosophy of people in recovery from alcoholism supporting each other. Through AA, you can attend process meetings and share your experiences, work programs like the 12 Steps, and find literature that may bring mindfulness into your life, such as the Alcoholics Anonymous Daily Reflections. AA is a strong proponent of healing relationships that may have been damaged when you were using alcohol. You can strengthen your social network by bringing your loved ones to open AA meetings and public AA activities, as well as encouraging them to attend Alcoholics Anonymous Family Groups (Al-Anon). Find AA meetings Carlsbad, NM in the directory and learn more about other treatment types by calling to speak to an addiction specialist.