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Find AA Meetings in Silver City, New Mexico

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Find AA meetings in Silver City, New Mexico to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New Mexico includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
10:00 AM 11th Step Meditation Meeting Meeting is part of D-16 1818 N Silver St Silver City 11th Step Meditation   English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM New Beginnings AA Meeting Meeting is part of D-16 300 W College Ave Silver City Daily Reflections   English   Open Meeting

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Silver City, New Mexico AA Meetings

Alcohol misuse can affect a person at any stage of life. Whether you are a student athlete at Western New Mexico University, an artist drawn to the Historic District, or a Silver City, New Mexico native, you may be evaluating how alcohol use fits into your life and finding that it no longer does. Chronic alcohol misuse may be affecting your school work and sports performance, your clarity of thought and artistic process, or your relationships and daily life. If you have developed alcohol addiction, you may feel a lack of control over the amount of alcohol you use or over your ability to stop using it. Attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings may help you find sobriety. AA New Mexico meetings are designed to assist anyone who wants to stop using alcohol. AA is the oldest organization established with this goal. In AA meetings, you will hear from and share with other people experiencing similar challenges and victories while working toward sustainable sobriety. In many cases, you can find AA meetings designed for individuals with similar backgrounds to yours. For example, you may find AA meetings on campus or attend men’s or women’s meetings. Find AA meetings in Silver City, New Mexico that fit into your school, work, and daily schedule today in the directory.

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