Find AA meetings in Marshville, North Carolina to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Carolina includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:00 AM | Ballantyne Acceptance Group | Ballantyne Acceptance Group | Online Charlotte, NC | Charlotte | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Reveille | Gill Hall at Saint James Catholic Church | 880 Fawn Cir SW | Concord | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | A New Beginning Pineville | A New Beginning Pineville | 12001 Lullingstone Road | Pineville | Discussion Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | New Beginnings Ballantyne | Light of Christ Church | 9106 Bryant Farms Rd | Charlotte | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:15 AM | 7:15 Awakenings Group | 12th Step Service Club | 709 East Blvd | Charlotte | English Newcomer Open Meeting + Step Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:15 AM | Awakening Modem to Modem | Awakening Modem to Modem | Online Charlotte, NC | Charlotte | English Open Meeting Step Meeting |
7:30 AM | Low Bottom | Low Bottom Club (Old Belk Bldg.) | 200 N Stewart St | Monroe | Discussion English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Early Bird Zoom | Early Bird Zoom | Online Rock Hill, SC 29730 | Rock Hill | Discussion English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Early Bird Zoom | Early Bird Zoom | Online Charlotte, NC, 28201 | Charlotte | Discussion Open Meeting Virtual |
8:00 AM | Early Bird Zoom | Early Bird Zoom | Online Rock Hill, SC | Rock Hill | Discussion English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Grupo Solo Se Vive Una Vez | Office Buildimg Suite 102 | 3203 US-21 | Fort Mill | English Open Meeting |
10:00 AM | Women's Serenity | Providence Presbyterian Church | 10140 Providence Church Ln | Charlotte | Discussion English Open Meeting + Women's Meeting |
10:00 AM | Women's Meeting @ Will's Place | Will's Place | 540 N 1st St | Albemarle | Discussion English Open Meeting + Women's Meeting |
10:00 AM | Primary Purpose/Albemarle | VFW #2908 | 119 Anderson Rd | Albemarle | Big Book English Open Meeting |
11:30 AM | Sober Mamas | Matthews United Methodist Church | Online 801 S Trade St | Matthews | As Bill Sees It Discussion English + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access Women's Meeting |
12:00 PM | Overcomers Group | AA Hut | 106 Rock Creek Dr | Albemarle | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | MONROE NOON GROUP | Bridge To Recovery | 2111 Stafford St Ext | Monroe | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Stonecrest Group Ballantyne Commons Parkway | Stonecrest Group Ballantyne Commons Parkway | 8015 Ballantyne Commons Parkway | Charlotte | Discussion Newcomer Open Meeting + Step Meeting Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | HAPPY NOON GROUP | Anuvia | 100 Billingsley Rd | Charlotte | Discussion English Newcomer + Open Meeting Step Meeting |
12:00 PM | FOOTPRINTS GROUP | Kannapolis Church of Christ | 2315 Concord Lake Rd | Kannapolis | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Marshville, North Carolina AA Meetings
The town of Marshville, North Carolina, in Union County, is the birthplace of country musician Randy Travis. Locals dealing with alcohol use disorder can find guidance through AA North Carolina, and there are nearby AA meetings in Marshville. Regular AA attendance is what many people will credit for their long-term sobriety. For early sobriety, you may need to seek out a treatment facility, and if you are at risk of intense withdrawal symptoms, you should find a medical facility that can provide an alcohol detox so that you don’t risk quitting drinking alone. Later, after you successfully complete a rehab program, your ongoing sobriety can be protected with the help of regular attendance at AA meetings in Marshville. You can turn to these free meetings to receive as much or as little structure and support as you need. Making connections with other sober people in your area will keep you from being lonely if you are having to limit time with loved ones who do not support your recovery, or who may be struggling to trust you again. And no matter how many social connections you have, nothing can replace the understanding of a friend who has firsthand experience of the challenges you face.