Find AA meetings in Cando, North Dakota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Dakota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Cando, North Dakota AA Meetings
Cando is a city in the Towner County of North Dakota. Due to its small population, there are fewer AA meetings in Cando than there are in larger cities. There are, however, plenty of AA meetings in North Dakota that provide a source of support and guidance to those with alcohol use disorder (AUD). AA meetings can be quite intimidating to those who have never attended before. Part of the reason for this is due to the nature of the subject matter. Another big reason is that there have been some not too flattering portrayals of AA meetings in film and television. One big misconception of AA is that it is religious. Namely, that it is a Christian organization. This is not true. AA is free from association with any religion. There are undeniable spiritual undertones to AA. For instance, much of the 12 Steps of AA refer to a “higher power.” However, members are given the freedom to define that higher power in whichever way they feel comfortable. AA is a safe place for anybody looking for support with AUD. You can find listings of AA meetings in Cando in this directory. If you are looking for more than just AA meetings in North Dakota, give our specialists a call today.