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Find AA Meetings in Minot, North Dakota

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Find AA meetings in Minot, North Dakota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Dakota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Choose Wisely Campaign Group Choose Wisely Campaign Group #000415855 Online Minot, ND Minot English   Literature   Open Meeting
12:00 PM 700 Group 700 Group #110760 700 16th Ave SW Minot Closed Meeting   English   Wheelchair Access

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Minot, North Dakota AA Meetings

Minot is a famous aviation city in North Dakota. There are AA meetings in Minot that, along with other AA meetings in North Dakota, provide support to those in the area with alcohol use disorder (AUD). AA is a huge organization that helps people with AUD largely through its 12-step program which is detailed in the Big Book of AA. The Big Book of AA is a 1939 text that describes the steps of recovery from alcohol use disorder as AA views it. This basic text is essential for anyone who is attempting to stop using alcohol through AA. It is also an excellent read for anyone new to AA. It contains helpful advice and a guide to staying sober. Despite its basic text, many people still have some questions about AA. The Big Book is not a novel. It is a textbook containing guidelines for recovering from AUD. It should not be read as a novel. It is a practical guide for people who are serious about getting sober. The Big Book of AA has several helpful sections that will help you understand what it means to get sober and stay sober. There are AA meetings centered around the study of the Big Book. Browse through this directory to find listings for AA meetings in Minot.

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