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Find AA Meetings in Oklahoma

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Alcohol use in Oklahoma is costing residents their health and their lives. AA meetings are an accessible, no-cost way to get help. At AA meetings, people with substance use problems can find peer support in a sober community, a step-by-step manual for sobriety, and people who are ready to show you how the steps work for them. Are you trying to find AA meetings in Oklahoma for you or a loved one? See below for a list of meetings and information about AA groups and expert insights about alcohol use in Oklahoma. 

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Find Oklahoma AA Meetings Serving These Cities

Expert Insights

Compared to other states, Oklahoma has a high rate of excessive deaths due to alcohol. How high? Out of every 10,000 people in Oklahoma, excessive alcohol use kills about seven per year. These are preventable deaths, but few Oklahomans are getting the treatment they need. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2021, 73% of Oklahoma residents who needed substance use treatment did not receive it. AA meetings can be an excellent first step for people who are not yet sure if they are ready to commit to quitting drinking, but it is also a resource for people who are prepared to stop.

Alcoholism Statistics in Oklahoma

  • In 2021 and 2022, 10.2% of people in Oklahoma met the DSM 5 criteria for alcohol use disorder. That works out to about 1 in 10 people.
  • The CDC estimates that Oklahoma residents lost 59,470 years of life from alcohol use in 2020. If this loss of life were to be spread evenly throughout all Oklahoma residents, it would amount to about four days per person.
  • The 5-year average number of excessive deaths due to alcohol went up by 40% between 2015 and 2019 in Oklahoma. Nearly one and a half times as many people died because of alcohol in 2019 than four years earlier in 2015.
  • Oklahoma added 175 substance use treatment beds in 2020, eliminating the wait time for most people who seek treatment. This is fantastic news that puts Oklahoma ahead of most states. However, there is still a need for outpatient services to support people who are stepping down from residential treatment facilities. 

Popular Types of AA Meetings in Oklahoma

If you want to find AA meetings in Oklahoma, consider what type of meeting you want to attend. Knowing the different types of meetings will help you narrow down your search. See below for examples of various types of AA meetings with descriptions.

Open/Closed Meetings

Before attending an AA meeting, check if it is an open meeting or a closed meeting. An open meeting is open to everyone. A closed meeting is only open to AA members or people with an alcohol or substance use problem and a desire to stop using.

Step Study Meetings

Step meetings focus on studying one of the 12 steps to recovery. Attendees reflect on how to apply the lessons of that step to their recovery. 

Tradition Study Meetings

Like step study meetings, tradition study meetings pick one of the AA 12 traditions and look deeper into its meaning and how to apply it in maintaining daily sobriety.

Speaker Meetings

In speaker meetings, a pre-selected speaker talks about what they were like before AA and how they live every day through the principles of AA. 

Daily Reflections Meeting

A daily reflection is a recovery-oriented text for each day of the calendar, based on the 12 steps and 12 traditions of AA. In a daily reflection meeting, participants discuss that day’s reflection. 

Online AA Meetings in Oklahoma

Several options are available for Oklahoma-based online AA meetings. Online AA meetings in Oklahoma require no traveling, and there is usually a meeting happening somewhere online at any given moment. This means you are not limited to your local options if you need a meeting urgently and no meetings are happening near you. You can attend a meeting based anywhere.

Resources for Alcohol Addiction in Oklahoma

  • OK I’m Ready has reliable information and local resources. The website is a service of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
  • NAMI Oklahoma is a not-for-profit organization that provides resources and support for people with mental illness.


  1. StateImpact Oklahoma news article
  2. National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics
  3. SAMHSA National Survey on Drug Use and Health
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Alcohol Related Disease Impact (ARDI) application, 2024. Available at
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