Find AA meetings in Altus, Oklahoma to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oklahoma includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Altus Original Group | Altus Original Group | 315 N Crain St | Altus | English Open Meeting |
8:00 PM | Altus Original Group | Altus Original Group | 315 N Crain St | Altus | English Open Meeting |
3:00 PM | New Life Meeting | New Life Group Chillicothe | 303 Ave I | Chillicothe | English Open Meeting |
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Altus, Oklahoma AA Meetings
AA Oklahoma has several AA meetings in Altus- a city within and also the county seat of Jackson County. Residents diagnosed with alcohol use disorder or those who use alcohol and desire to quit can receive support and guidance from individuals familiar with the situation and committed to helping each other attain long-term sobriety. In these meetings, members can freely discuss the challenges peculiar to the condition without judgment or stigmatization. Because membership is made up of individuals at different recovery stages, participants are privy to the support of a community that understands and identifies with their challenges. AA meetings in Altus come in diverse formats organized so that every member, whether new or veteran, is carried along and supported through the process at every stage. An example of a meeting format is the beginner meeting which is structured specifically for new members. In these meetings, new members are taught the traditions of the AA community and the recovery tools available to them. Another type of meeting is the open meeting. In open meetings, members can invite their family and loved ones for support and encouragement. You can locate any of these meetings today by browsing through the directory published on this site. There are also specialists on call to help you find treatment facilities near you.