Find AA meetings in Coalgate, Oklahoma to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oklahoma includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
8:00 AM | Coalgate Open Door Group | Coalgate Open Door Group | 107 W Hanover Ave | Coalgate | Discussion English Open Meeting |
10:00 AM | Ada Freedom Group | Ada Freedom Group | 305 W 12th St | Ada | Daily Reflections English Open Meeting + Smoking Permitted |
12:00 PM | Durant Turning Point | Durant Turning Point | 515 W Beech St | Durant | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | McAlester Nooners | McAlester Nooners | 100 N A St | McAlester | Big Book English Open Meeting |
3:00 PM | PCAA Women's Group | PCAA Women's Group | 508 W 6th | Ada | Big Book English Open Meeting + Women's Meeting |
8:00 PM | The Three Legacies Group | The Three Legacies Group | 110 E 17th St | Ada | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Literature |
8:00 PM | Ada Freedom Group | Ada Freedom Group | 305 W 12th St | Ada | As Bill Sees It English Open Meeting + Smoking Permitted |
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Coalgate, Oklahoma AA Meetings
Coalgate was founded in 1889 and is the county seat of Coal County, Oklahoma. Unfortunately, many residents of Coalgate have had their lives affected directly or indirectly by alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder is a medical condition caused by alcohol misuse, in which affected persons become emotionally dependent on alcohol consumption. Thankfully, Alcoholics Anonymous, a mutual fellowship organization dedicated to helping individuals beat alcohol addiction, has set up several support groups in Coalgate. These meetings organized by AA Oklahoma allow locals to network with other persons who have had similar experiences and are now well on their way to recovery. In these meetings, members can freely discuss sensitive issues peculiar to the condition and learn different coping mechanisms under an atmosphere void of judgment. AA meetings in Coalgate also give new members the opportunity of being sponsored by older, more experienced members. In such situations, the experienced member becomes personally involved in the recovery process of the new member. This feature promotes accountability and gives the new members a platform to discuss issues they would rather not discuss in a larger gathering. Feel free to join the AA community by walking into any of the meetings listed in the directory published on this website.