Find AA meetings in Lamont, Oklahoma to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oklahoma includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:00 PM | Love & Fellowship Group | Love & Fellowship Group | 1400 E Hartford Ave | Ponca City | Big Book English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Acceptance Group | Harmony House | 212 S 3rd St | Ponca City | English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Serenity House | Serenity House | 935 N Madison St | Enid | Closed Meeting English Wheelchair Access |
6:30 PM | Maple Park Group | Maple Park Group | 1425 N 8th St | Arkansas City | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:30 PM | Maple Park Group | Maple Park Group | Online 1425 N 8th St | Arkansas City | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Maine Street AA Group | Maine Street AA Group | 704 W Maine St | Enid | Discussion English Open Meeting |
8:00 PM | Tyler House Group | Tyler House Group | 416 S Tyler St | Enid | English Open Meeting |
8:00 PM | Newkirk Group | Newkirk Group | 201 S Walnut Ave | Newkirk | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Lamont, Oklahoma AA Meetings
Lamont is a town in Grant County, Oklahoma, where numerous cases of AUD, alcohol addiction, and alcohol-related illnesses have been reported. AA Oklahoma- the regional chapter for Alcoholics Anonymous- has peer support groups scattered across Lamont to help these affected locals recover from the medical condition. Alcoholics Anonymous was established in 1935 and has since then helped numerous worldwide quit drinking and go on to live more fulfilling lives. AA meetings worldwide employ the 12-step approach in tackling AUD and other alcohol-related illnesses. As its name implies, the 12-step program leads participants through a series of steps and actions that eventually culminates in them living addiction-free lives. AA meetings in Lamont can be attended at any point in the formal treatment process; before treatment begins, during treatment, after treatment, or independent of formal treatment altogether. If you need help locating treatment centers, you can call our phone lines, and our specialists will direct you to the centers near you. AA meetings are also held in different formats; open and closed, gender-specific, candlelight, discussion sessions, and speaker-only sessions. The meeting formats you attend and how often you attend are entirely up to you. You can locate any of these meetings using the AA directory published on this site.