Find AA meetings in Hastings, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Daily Surrender Group | Presbyterian Church | S 7th St & E Main St | Reynoldsville | Discussion English |
12:00 PM | New Florence Tuesday Nooner Group | New Florence Methodist Church | 200 9th St | New Florence | Big Book English |
12:15 PM | Midday Miracles Group | Crossroads Clubhouse | 827 19th St | Altoona | English Step Meeting |
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Hastings, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Hastings is a borough in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, United States. Hastings has had some records of alcohol addiction recently. Alcohol addiction is among the most challenging conditions in which anyone could find themselves. This has led to certain other problems and remains one of the main factors causing preventable deaths in the United States. If it has not become an addiction, drinking alcohol is not an issue. A major problem begins the moment it becomes impossible to reduce alcohol intake. Despite knowing that heavy drinking has adverse effects on them, some people still rely on alcohol. Symptoms of withdrawal, since they can be downright painful and can have negative consequences, make it difficult for such people to stop drinking. To encourage individuals to achieve sobriety, the AA community was formed. In a mutually supportive environment, AA meetings in Hastings welcomes the residents of this city and those living in nearby communities who are ready to undergo an efficient healing process. The AA community has always allowed people to heal in a surrounding where they do not feel discriminated against since everyone has been through similar circumstances in the AA community and some are still struggling with it. As a means to assist people who are affected by alcohol addiction, we have created a list of all local Alcoholics Anonymous Pennsylvania meetings on our site and we keep the list fully updated to make it easier to choose one. Contact our professionals immediately to learn more about how to start your recovery process.