Find AA meetings in Northumberland, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:00 PM | Lock Haven Big Book | St. Paul's Episcopal church | 112 E Main St | Lock Haven | English |
6:55 PM | Weekenders | St. Matthew Lutheran Church | 123 Market St | Bloomsburg | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Up the Creek Group Williamsport | Up the Creek Group | 901 Diamond Street | Williamsport | Discussion Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Sober Unity Group | 504 Mahantango St | 504 Mahantongo St | Pottsville | English Open Meeting Speaker |
7:00 PM | Empty Jug Group | Assembly Of God Church | 253 N 6th St | Newport | Big Book English |
7:00 PM | Put The Plug In The Jug Millersburg | Northern Dauphin JFT | 444 Market St | Millersburg | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Give It Away To Keep It | Zion's Lutheran Church | 603 W Market St | Trevorton | Big Book Closed Meeting English + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Transitions Group | Beaver Memorial United Methodist Church | 42 S 3rd St | Lewisburg | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Serenity on Saturday | Hartley Township Community Center | 1724 PA-235 | Millmont | As Bill Sees It English |
7:00 PM | Picture Rocks Saturday Night Group | Picture Rocks United Methodist Church | 48 Laurel Run Rd | Hughesville | Closed Meeting English |
8:00 PM | Shamokin AA Group | Oasis Community Recovery Club | 210 E Independence St | Shamokin | English Open Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Northumberland, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Northumberland is a city in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. While it is not the seat of the country, it remains one of the most prominent towns there – mainly because of its name. Northumberland has a budding population that runs into the thousands. The city also shares proximity to several top locations in Pennsylvania. This means that its citizens enjoy some fantastic amenities all around. Part of these great amenities are top-notch alcoholics anonymous Pennsylvania meetings, which provide fantastic opportunities for people living with alcohol addiction to get treatment. When you step into any of the AA meetings Northumberland has to offer, you immediately get this welcoming feeling that follows you. In addition to the feeling, you also enjoy an opportunity to meet people and converse with them. All of you can talk about some of the challenges you’ve faced on your recovery journey, and you can get to try out some of their secrets that have worked. At the end of the day, everyone gets the confidence they need to try tips and beat addiction ultimately. While recovery times might vary, the objective is to get everyone on the right path to sobriety on their own terms. There’s no pressure, and you can take the process in stride.