Find AA meetings in Youngsville, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Tuesday Noon Group | First Presbyterian Church | 300 Market St | Warren | Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Living Sober Jamestown | Living Sober | 31 Water Street | Jamestown | Discussion Open Meeting |
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Youngsville, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Youngsville is a rural community in Warren County, Pennsylvania. Productivity in rural areas is affected when residents suffer from alcohol addictions and other substance-related disorders. Because the population is relatively small, economic activities depend on cumulative input from locals within the community. Even on affected persons, the effects of alcohol-associated ailments are disturbing. AA meetings in Youngsville comprise a non-discriminatory community of men and women who offer care, assistance, and the needed support to people battling addictions so that they can get a second chance at life. Like other Alcoholics Anonymous Pennsylvania meetings, Youngsville meetings employ a 12-step approach to guide participants through the recovery processes and ensure that they become sober and eventually attain full recovery. Therapy sessions are available for groups (open sessions) and individual participants (closed session). It has a healing effect and helps to undo the emotional, and mental impact addictions have had on participants over time. During group therapy sessions, participants can share their individual experiences and are also motivated by the recovery stories of those who have overcome their addictions. Addiction treatment usually begins at an inpatient center with alcohol detoxification, after which designated medications are given to participants. Counseling is available to ensure consistent results in the long run.