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Find AA Meetings in Sturgis, South Dakota

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Find AA meetings in Sturgis, South Dakota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in South Dakota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Happy Destiny AA Serenity Club 950 Main St Sturgis Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access
12:00 PM Rule 62 Noon Group Rule 62 Noon Group 325 Deadwood Ave Rapid City Closed Meeting   Discussion   Wheelchair Access

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Sturgis, South Dakota AA Meetings

Sturgis is a western South Dakota city located in Meade County. AA meetings in Sturgis were established by Alcoholics Anonymous as part of ways to address alcohol addiction among residents. In the United States, several reports have shown that only a small percentage of diagnosed alcohol addiction cases are attended to. Alcohol addiction is treatable, either by regular support group sessions, like AA meetings South Dakota residents can access in their locality, or professional treatment: which usually involves different forms of therapy, counseling, and some medication-assisted treatments. Alcohol detoxification is usually a part of the treatment procedure and is done at an inpatient treatment facility. During AA meeting sessions, members can freely open up about their alcohol addiction and struggles. Older members who have attained significant progress also share simple, do-it-yourself hacks that members can employ in managing this ailment. AA has accountability groups and also a sponsorship structure to aid newer members in their recovery. There is no discrimination against individuals during meetings, and the support from this community has been instrumental in recovery, along with the 12-step approach program. You can reach out to our specialists for on-call addiction support and assistance in finding suitable professional treatment programs within Sturgis.

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