Find AA meetings in Canadian, Texas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Texas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:00 PM | The Canadian Group | First United Methodist Church | 520 E Main St | Canadian | English Open Meeting |
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Canadian, Texas AA Meetings
Canadian is the county seat of Hemphill County, Texas. It is a fantastic city with some gorgeous views but the city has some members of the community who rely on alcohol. Alcohol abuse has had some detrimental effects on a few of the inhabitants of this town, so they need to be helped. To live a healthy life and address alcohol use among community members, Alcoholics Anonymous, a mutual support community, meets regularly at certain locations within this city. For example, AA meetings in Canadian are created to encourage people to do what it takes to heal from alcohol dependence. Open and closed meetings occur in many different venues within the city and are the most frequently held AA Texas meetings. There are also more types of meetings available, aimed at meeting the members’ specific needs. To join the Alcoholics Anonymous community, newcomers don’t have to pay a dime. At closed AA meetings, attendees get individualized intervention and they are privileged to converse with a mentor who may have had an encounter similar to theirs. Open meetings can be attended by friends and family. If you want to start an efficient recovery trip today, but you do not know how to get started, simply get in touch and we will not hesitate to help.